Post RFQ
Report Supplier
TAG (the african gate)

TAG (the african gate)

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TAG (the african gate)

Company Introduction

TAG ( the african gate )
We are growers , own our farms , major player in our local market ,
TAG was established as a new member of a Caironix group , launched in 2012 with stating Capital U$D 100K to reach U$D 700K by end of 2016 , we plant our raw crops under

the control of the Egyptian association for sustainable agri, and all products Inspection under the specific code based on the precise analysis of the Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate Research, the Central Laboratory for Medical and Aromatic Plants Research and the Agricultural Quarantine Center for pesticide residue detection.

1. Department of Meteorological Applications Research (AARD).

2. Biological Agriculture Research Department (BARD).

3. Unsatisfactory Agriculture Research Department (SCRD).

4. Climate Modification Research Division (CMRD).

We do export our products in different forms ( fresh / dried / frozen ) under control of specialist team involved in this field more tham 20 years , the old land we use its woof for making coal product and every farm inside it honey project , our products from the nature delivered to healthy world .
web site:
Contact us:
head office contacts :
Head office address :Oasis road ,Building No.241 behind MSA University, 6th of October city,
Giza – Egypt / Registration No.21004000024129
Co – founder /general manager: Hossam Mohammed
Tel: +201065225211
Sales manager: Mohammed elbanna
Tel: +201287644165 /WhatsApp: +201112079082

Technical manager: Mohammed Hassan  
Tel: +201033505151/WhatsApp:  
